
A new level of aesthetic medicine

Blog of cosmetic and medical device manufacturer Medika

medica logoKosmetologia Sprzęt, Urządzenia do Kosmetologii

Kosmetologia Sprzęt, Urządzenia do Kosmetologii

Medycyna estetyczna stale się rozwija i ulepsza, jest uzupełniana nowymi procedurami, dlatego niezwykle ważne jest, aby profesjonalny kosmetolog był świadomy nowych produktów, cech nowego sprzętu i zaleceń jego producentów.
medica logoDisinfection uv lamps, Germicidal lamps

Disinfection uv lamps, Germicidal lamps

Medika's MediClean professional sterilizer will provide you with air free of VOCs, microorganisms or smog.
medica logoIntensive cosmetic courses and training, education

Intensive cosmetic courses and training, education

Our cosmetology courses offer an ideal learning environment. Qualified staff, state-of-the-art equipment and plenty of space await you.
medica logoSterylizator kulkowy, sterylizacja narzędzi w salonie

Sterylizator kulkowy, sterylizacja narzędzi w salonie

Kule sterylizatora wykonane są ze szkła kwarcowego i akumulują ciepło, a następnie same służą jako źródło ciepła podczas pracy z narzędziami.
medica logoCorundum microdermabrasion in aesthetic medicine

Corundum microdermabrasion in aesthetic medicine

With microdermabrasion, the skin is systematically cleansed layer by layer. It is a very gentle treatment, even for very sensitive skin.
medica logoAutoklaw medyczny: cechy i zastosowanie w medycynie

Autoklaw medyczny: cechy i zastosowanie w medycynie

W autoklawie do podwyższenia temperatury i ciśnienia wykorzystuje się medium wodne, które wypełnia przestrzeń międzywęzłową.

Medika beauty blog - Beauty equipment and combos

Cosmetology salons are growing in popularity, making the demand for knowledge about treatments ever greater. In our blog, we share information about popular equipment used in cosmetology centers and tell you what each type of treatment looks like. Whether you are planning to undergo a beauty treatment or are professionally involved in the industry, the knowledge from the articles is sure to pique your interest.

Salon clients will easily find information about popular devices on our site, allowing them to familiarize themselves with how they work. This is a definite convenience when choosing the type of therapy that is right for you and a way to get a solid dose of knowledge before deciding to undergo a treatment. The articles also prove helpful to specialists who care about patient welfare and focus on development. Thanks to our blog, the staff of cosmetic centers can get acquainted with the latest devices on the market and start using modern solutions.